The machine suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith" When you try to make one machine to two different things, you wind up doing neither thing well. Check Craigslist listings for Shopsmith. People are giving them away.I think a good alternative is the 10 x 22 lathe and a separate bench mill.
No reason to go anywhere but "Grizzly" for those machines. suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith" When you try to make one machine to two different things, you wind up doing neither thing well. Check Craigslist listings for Shopsmith. People are giving them away.I think a good alternative is the 10 x 22 lathe and a separate bench mill.
No reason to go anywhere but "Grizzly" for those machines. If you need a lathe and a mill, you need two separate machines. If you are limited in funds or limited in space, this machine is a good compromise. I found that the locking collar for the milling head does not hold the head in place sufficiently.
The lathe works better than the mill, but neither is optimal. Set up time is excessive since it frequently happens that a project requires both the lathe and the mill.The machine suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith" When you try to make one machine to two different things, you wind up doing neither thing well.
Check Craigslist listings for Shopsmith. People are giving them away.I think a good alternative is the 10 x 22 lathe and a separate bench mill. No reason to go anywhere but "Grizzly" for those machines. limited in space, this machine is a good compromise. I found that the locking collar for the milling head does not hold the head in place sufficiently.
The lathe works better than the mill, but neither is optimal. Set up time is excessive since it frequently happens that a project requires both the lathe and the mill.The machine suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith"
No reason to go anywhere but "Grizzly" for those machines. suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith" When you try to make one machine to two different things, you wind up doing neither thing well. Check Craigslist listings for Shopsmith. People are giving them away.I think a good alternative is the 10 x 22 lathe and a separate bench mill.
No reason to go anywhere but "Grizzly" for those machines. If you need a lathe and a mill, you need two separate machines. If you are limited in funds or limited in space, this machine is a good compromise. I found that the locking collar for the milling head does not hold the head in place sufficiently.
The lathe works better than the mill, but neither is optimal. Set up time is excessive since it frequently happens that a project requires both the lathe and the mill.The machine suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith" When you try to make one machine to two different things, you wind up doing neither thing well.
Check Craigslist listings for Shopsmith. People are giving them away.I think a good alternative is the 10 x 22 lathe and a separate bench mill. No reason to go anywhere but "Grizzly" for those machines. limited in space, this machine is a good compromise. I found that the locking collar for the milling head does not hold the head in place sufficiently.
The lathe works better than the mill, but neither is optimal. Set up time is excessive since it frequently happens that a project requires both the lathe and the mill.The machine suffers from the same syndrome and the "Shopsmith"