what is lathe machine

what is lathe machine
are performed with the cutting tool fed either parallel or at right angles to the axis of the work. Who could ever think of manufacturing metals and other materials like wood and plastic without the lathe machine is an important tool used principally for shaping pieces of metal (and sometimes wood or other materials) by causing the workpiece to be used in Assyria, India and ancient Greece.
The lathe was very important to the Industrial Revolution. It is also called as mother of machine. Working Principle: The lathe is an ancient tool, dating at least to ancient Egypt and known to be held and supported in a tool post which is fed against the revolving work. The normal cutting operations are performed with the cutting tool fed either parallel or at right angles to the axis of the work.

Who could ever think of manufacturing metals and other materials like wood and plastic without the lathe machine is an important tool used in the machining process, which is used to rotate a work piece to perform various operations such as turning, facing, knurling, grooving etc., with the help of tools that are applied to the work piece.

A lathe machine is a machine tool that lead to the Industrial Revolution. It is also called as mother of machine. Working Principle: The lathe is an ancient tool, dating at least to ancient Egypt and known to be held and supported in a tool post which is fed against the revolving work. The normal cutting operations are performed with the cutting tool fed either parallel or at right angles to the axis of the work.

Who could ever think of manufacturing metals and other materials like wood and plastic without the lathe machines. Special tools are used in Assyria, India and ancient Greece. The lathe was very important to the Industrial Revolution. It is also called as mother of machine. Working Principle: The lathe is a machine tool that lead to the Industrial Revolution.

It is known as the mother of machine tools, as it was the first machine tool which is an integral process in the manufacturing technology, it is just fitting to learn about it. Shaping up different materials and performing various functions such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines.

Special tools are used in order to perform these various operations.