Additionally, our focus on minimizing non-product expenses, makes it feasible for us to equip our turning centers with premium components. angles which have been developed through the years. Numerous chip management features minimize time wasted on cleanup and protect internal components. All of the Hurco turning centers have telescopic way covers to keep chips out and protect the premium components inside your lathe.
The inside door keeps coolant and chips inside the machine. From a strategic standpoint, manufacturing overseas makes sense because 90% of the machine tool market is outside of North America. This strategy benefits our customers because we are able to ship our machine tools with shorter lead times than most competitors.
Our corporate agility promotes financial stability, which means we are able to continue developing control technology and mills, lathes, and mill turn machines even during the worst of economic conditions. Additionally, our focus on minimizing non-product expenses, makes it feasible for us to equip our turning centers with premium components.
and chips inside the machine. From a strategic standpoint, manufacturing overseas makes sense because 90% of the machine tool market is outside of North America. This strategy benefits our customers because we are able to ship our machine tools with shorter lead times than most competitors. Our corporate agility promotes financial stability, which means we are able to continue developing control technology and mills, lathes, and mill turn machines even during the worst of economic conditions.
Additionally, our focus on minimizing non-product expenses, makes it feasible for us to equip our turning centers with premium components. out and protect the premium components inside your lathe. The inside door keeps coolant and chips inside the machine. From a strategic standpoint, manufacturing overseas makes sense because 90% of the machine tool market is outside of North America.
This strategy benefits our customers because we are able to ship our machine tools with shorter lead times than most competitors. Our corporate agility promotes financial stability, which means we are able to continue developing control technology
The inside door keeps coolant and chips inside the machine. From a strategic standpoint, manufacturing overseas makes sense because 90% of the machine tool market is outside of North America. This strategy benefits our customers because we are able to ship our machine tools with shorter lead times than most competitors.
Our corporate agility promotes financial stability, which means we are able to continue developing control technology and mills, lathes, and mill turn machines even during the worst of economic conditions. Additionally, our focus on minimizing non-product expenses, makes it feasible for us to equip our turning centers with premium components.
and chips inside the machine. From a strategic standpoint, manufacturing overseas makes sense because 90% of the machine tool market is outside of North America. This strategy benefits our customers because we are able to ship our machine tools with shorter lead times than most competitors. Our corporate agility promotes financial stability, which means we are able to continue developing control technology and mills, lathes, and mill turn machines even during the worst of economic conditions.
Additionally, our focus on minimizing non-product expenses, makes it feasible for us to equip our turning centers with premium components. out and protect the premium components inside your lathe. The inside door keeps coolant and chips inside the machine. From a strategic standpoint, manufacturing overseas makes sense because 90% of the machine tool market is outside of North America.
This strategy benefits our customers because we are able to ship our machine tools with shorter lead times than most competitors. Our corporate agility promotes financial stability, which means we are able to continue developing control technology