define lathe machine

define lathe machine
as the mother of machine tools, as it was the first machine tool that lead to the invention of other machine tools.[1] The ancient Chinese dating to the Warring States era also used rotary lathes to sharpen tools and weapons on an industrial scale. [2] On the opposite side of the alley, sparks leap out of a lathe machine as a young man wearing protective goggles sharpens metal.
Shaping up different materials and performing various functions such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines. Special tools are used in order to perform various operations such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines.

Special tools are used in order to perform various operations such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines. Special tools are used in order to perform various operations such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines.

Special tools are used in order to perform various operations such as turning, facing, knurling, grooving etc., with the help of tools that are applied to the work piece. rotate a work piece to perform these various operations. Read on to know more about the lathe operations: A lathe is a machine tool which is used to rotate a work piece to perform various operations such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines.

Special tools are used in order to perform various operations such as sanding, deformation, cutting, facing, knurling, drilling, turning and much more is done with the lathe machines. Special tools are used in order to perform various operations such as turning, facing, knurling, grooving etc., with the help of tools that are applied to the work piece.

and weapons on an industrial scale. [2] On the opposite side of the alley, sparks leap out of a lathe machine as a young man wearing protective goggles sharpens metal. Shaping up different materials and performing various functions such as turning, facing, knurling, grooving etc., with the help of tools that are applied to the work piece.

sparks leap out of a lathe machine as a young man wearing protective goggles sharpens metal. Shaping up different materials and performing various functions