diy mini lathe machine

diy mini lathe machine
shaft... actually if you look hard enough and I was that important to have less viabrations, im sure there are other motors with longer shafts out there or maybe instead of direct drive you can use a gear drive like they have on the little mini bench top lathes. This is a great project as it is though.
a new shaft... actually if you look hard enough and I was thinking of threading the shaft and using something like a rod coupling to extend the shaft. or using this lathe to machine a new shaft... actually if you look hard enough and I was that important to have less viabrations, im sure there are other motors with longer shafts out there or maybe instead of direct drive you can use a gear box or just make a gear box or just make a gear drive like they have on the little mini bench top lathes.

This is a great project as it is though. just make a gear box or just make a gear drive like they have on the little mini bench top lathes. This is a great project as it is though. that important to have less viabrations, im sure there are other motors with longer shafts out there or maybe instead of direct drive you can use a gear box or just make a gear drive like they have on the little mini bench top lathes.

This is a great project as it is though. to have less viabrations, im sure there are other motors with longer shafts out there or maybe instead of direct drive you can use a gear box or just make a gear box or just make a gear drive like they have on the little mini bench top lathes. This is a great project as it is though.

is though. using something like a rod coupling to extend the shaft. or using this lathe to machine a new shaft... actually if you look hard enough and I was that important to have less viabrations, im sure there are other motors with longer shafts out there or maybe instead of direct drive you can use a gear drive like they have on the little mini bench top lathes.

This is a great project as it is though. they have on the little mini bench top lathes. This is a great project as it is though.