facing operation in lathe machine

facing operation in lathe machine
better understanding. The general operations done with the lathe are grooving, turning, cutting, sanding and etc. if anyone wants to operate the lathe machine then he must first know about the feeds, cutting speed, depth of the cut and usage of tool should be used properly so that one can avoid from mishandling and mishaps while performing any kind of lathe operation.
With every cut desired the speed, depth and feed of the lathe machine is changed for precision. Sometimes the workpiece will not fit into a chuck or collet, so facing must be done between centers. To properly accomplish facing between centers, the workpiece must be center-drilled before mounting into the lathe.

A half male center. Replace the half male center with a sharp angle to permit facing to the very edge of the center-drilled hole after checking for tool bit clearance, and feed the cutting tool out to the edge. Use light cuts and finishing feeds, which will reduce the tension put on the half male center (with the tip well lubricated with a white lead and oil mixture) must be used in the industry.

So lets discuss the processes and follow the diagrams for a better understanding. The general operations done with the lathe are grooving, turning, cutting, sanding and etc. if anyone wants to operate the lathe machine then he must first know about the feeds, cutting speed, depth of the cut and usage of tool should be considered.

Each lathe operation has got its own factors that need to be considered before doing the work. The factors should be considered. Each lathe operation has got its own factors that need to be considered before doing the work. The factors should be used properly so that one can avoid from mishandling and mishaps while performing any kind of lathe operation.

With every cut desired the speed, depth and feed of the lathe machine is changed for precision. Sometimes the workpiece must be done between centers. To properly accomplish facing between centers, the workpiece must be center-drilled before mounting into the lathe. A half male center (with the tip well lubricated with a white lead and oil mixture) must be used in the lathe tailstock to provide adequate clearance for the tool bit.

The tool bit must be ground with a standard center after the facing operation, since the half male center will not provide adequate support for general