Here is a cnc programming example for simple drilling on a cnc lathe machine. CNC Fanuc control has a very powerful and versatile peck drilling cycle (Fanuc G74) which relieves… cycle (Fanuc G74) which relieves… has with the tool in the letter 'T' and follow it with a number. This should look like this 'T01' or possibly just 'T1'.
On cnc lathes it will be trailed by an off set number like 'T0101'. This calls up tool number 1 and applies off set 01 to it, before a tool change you'll need to program 'T0100' to clear the offest before the next tool. Haas lathes dont use the offset number, instead they use the mill format 'T01' and 'T1'.
So far we've brought the tool changer to position #1 but the tools not in the spindle yet. M codes tell the machine will trade the tool in the letter 'T' and follow it with a number. This should look like this 'T01' or possibly just 'T1'. On cnc lathes it will be trailed by an off set number like 'T0101'.
This calls up tool number 1 and applies off set 01 to it, before a tool change you'll need to program 'T0100' to clear the offest before the next tool. Haas lathes dont use the offset number, instead they use the mill format 'T01' and 'T1'.So far we've brought the tool changer to position #1 but the tools not in the spindle yet.
M codes tell the machine what to do, M01 is an optional stop, M03 starts the spindle. For this we'll use M06, this specifies that the machine will trade the tool it currently has with the tool in the currently called up ATC position. On the lathe M06 spins the turret to that position. The line after this is where to put an M01 if you dont have a turret or ATC.
Here is a cnc programming example for simple drilling on a cnc lathe machine. CNC Fanuc control has a
On cnc lathes it will be trailed by an off set number like 'T0101'. This calls up tool number 1 and applies off set 01 to it, before a tool change you'll need to program 'T0100' to clear the offest before the next tool. Haas lathes dont use the offset number, instead they use the mill format 'T01' and 'T1'.
So far we've brought the tool changer to position #1 but the tools not in the spindle yet. M codes tell the machine will trade the tool in the letter 'T' and follow it with a number. This should look like this 'T01' or possibly just 'T1'. On cnc lathes it will be trailed by an off set number like 'T0101'.
This calls up tool number 1 and applies off set 01 to it, before a tool change you'll need to program 'T0100' to clear the offest before the next tool. Haas lathes dont use the offset number, instead they use the mill format 'T01' and 'T1'.So far we've brought the tool changer to position #1 but the tools not in the spindle yet.
M codes tell the machine what to do, M01 is an optional stop, M03 starts the spindle. For this we'll use M06, this specifies that the machine will trade the tool it currently has with the tool in the currently called up ATC position. On the lathe M06 spins the turret to that position. The line after this is where to put an M01 if you dont have a turret or ATC.
Here is a cnc programming example for simple drilling on a cnc lathe machine. CNC Fanuc control has a