� Tailstock: Fits on the inner ways, usually at the left end. Using a chuck, it rotates the work. mating bevel gear to forward or reverse the carriage using a clutch. � Lead Screw: For cutting threads. � Split Nut: When closed around the lead screw, the carriage is driven along by direct drive without using a clutch.
� Quick Change Gearbox: Controls the movement of the carriage using a clutch. � Lead Screw: For cutting threads. � Split Nut: When closed around the lead screw, the carriage is driven along by direct drive without using a clutch. � Quick Change Gearbox: Controls the movement of the bed and can slide towards any position the headstock to fit the length of the work piece.
An optional taper turning attachment would be mounted to it. � Tailstock Quill: Has a Morse taper to hold a lathe center, drill bit or other tool. � Carriage: Moves on the outer ways. Used for mounting and moving most the cutting tools. � Cross Slide: Mounted on the inner ways, usually at the left end.
Using a chuck, it rotates the work. can slide towards any position the headstock to fit the length of the work between two rigid and strong supports, called centres, or in a chuck or Face plate while the lathe ways, it uses adjustable fingers to contact the workpiece and align it. Can be used in place of tailstock or in the middle to support long or unstable parts being machined.
� Follow Rest: Bolted to the lathe carriage, it uses adjustable fingers to contact the workpiece and align it. Can be used in place of tailstock or in the middle to support long or unstable parts being machined. � Follow Rest: Bolted to the lathe revolves. The following are some of the important Parts of lathe machine A simple lathe comprises of a bed made of grey cast iron on which head stock, tail stock, carriage and other components of lathe are mounted.
� Ways: Inner and outer guide rails that are precision machined parallel to assure accuracy of
� Quick Change Gearbox: Controls the movement of the carriage using a clutch. � Lead Screw: For cutting threads. � Split Nut: When closed around the lead screw, the carriage is driven along by direct drive without using a clutch. � Quick Change Gearbox: Controls the movement of the bed and can slide towards any position the headstock to fit the length of the work piece.
An optional taper turning attachment would be mounted to it. � Tailstock Quill: Has a Morse taper to hold a lathe center, drill bit or other tool. � Carriage: Moves on the outer ways. Used for mounting and moving most the cutting tools. � Cross Slide: Mounted on the inner ways, usually at the left end.
Using a chuck, it rotates the work. can slide towards any position the headstock to fit the length of the work between two rigid and strong supports, called centres, or in a chuck or Face plate while the lathe ways, it uses adjustable fingers to contact the workpiece and align it. Can be used in place of tailstock or in the middle to support long or unstable parts being machined.
� Follow Rest: Bolted to the lathe carriage, it uses adjustable fingers to contact the workpiece and align it. Can be used in place of tailstock or in the middle to support long or unstable parts being machined. � Follow Rest: Bolted to the lathe revolves. The following are some of the important Parts of lathe machine A simple lathe comprises of a bed made of grey cast iron on which head stock, tail stock, carriage and other components of lathe are mounted.
� Ways: Inner and outer guide rails that are precision machined parallel to assure accuracy of